Opening hours:
Mo 13:30-18:30
Tu-Fr 08:00-12:00 & 13:30-18:30
Sa 08:00-16:00

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Special offer: 20% / 40 % discount

Still a 20% discount on bikes from stock at Bikecorner and also on models up to 2024 from stock at KTM.

40% discount on helmets from stock

Autumn promotion: 10 % off all lighting

Light is an important factor in ensuring visibility in road traffic. That's why we are offering a 10% discount on all lighting until the end of December 2024.

Displayed in random order is the platform for our online bicycle shop. 

By offering sheltered workplaces, training and integration places in the canton of Zug, ConSol creates career prospects for people with a mental and physical impairment.

The Mountain Bike Zug interest group represents the concerns of mountain bikers in the canton of Zug.

The electrical shop "Jack Schneebeli" in Hauptikon is an authorised Jura dealer and service center. Bikecorner Baar  is a drop-off point for coffee machines that need to be serviced or repaired.

ProVelo Zug is committed to the bicycle infrastructure in the canton of Zug, organises exchanges, riding courses and maintains the VeloPhon. Bikecorner Baar is a recommended partner.

Local brewery in Baar with online shop. There are usually a few bottles of this brand in the fridge.

Are you looking for a place to stay in Zug? We are happy to recommend Hotel Zugertor. We offer guests of the Hotel Zugertor various rental bikes and are happy to provide information about the various tour suggestions. If required, we can also provide a navigation system for your bike.

Vocational information page of "2Rad" about bicycle mechanic EFZ, motorcycle mechanic EFZ, small motorcycle and bicycle mechanic EFZ (site in german only)

EFZ = eidgenössisches Fähigkeitszeugnis = Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training

We are a partner of TCS, which also offers special bicycle insurance. 

Europe-wide comprehensive cover / Europe-wide theft cover / 24-hour breakdown service

HeidiPay is our partner for card-based payments

The Baar Trade Association is an association of over 250 companies in the municipality of Baar and represents the interests of locally based SMEs in public as well as in dealings with politicians and the administration.